Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Content Website Ad Revenue

Here is what I learned today:

Monday, April 26, 2010

Google Gmail's Great Customer Service, Freaking Awesome!!!

Google is freaking awesome!!

I tried to send an email out using gmail with attachment file. However, after I wrote the email, I forgot to attach the file and clicked on send button. Then I saw a popup alert, asking me if I really want to send the email 'cause I haven't attached anything but I said I would attach.

Boy, they are good at these little things. That's great customer service to learn ;-)

Opinion expressed by JiansNet.com, an ecommerce shopping site

Sunday, April 25, 2010

More Hot Deals and eCommerce related Topics Coming to JiansNet.com

Since I am in the area of eCommerce web development, it is natural that I would focus more on eCommerce and related topics, such as hot deals, coupons, ecommerce website reviews, etc.

I believe this will make JiansNet eCommerce more focused and be more relevant to the users.

Monday, April 5, 2010

The wiki released for a demo use

Recently I've worked on a very simple wiki software as a programming practice, together with another friend. The wiki is pretty much ready and now we've released it to production usage on JiansNet.com here:

JiansNet Wiki

I hope this would be used as a test bed and a good SEO tool for content generation. If anyone is interested in this simple wiki tool, shoot me an email at jiansnet@gmail.com , there might be some collaboration for using this for a better user experience for your website.